Context-Based Learning Content

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Suchada Chitkla
Prakob Jaiman


The learning management model based on modern concepts combines learning management using theoretical frameworks, principles and concepts that are consistent with the changes in the education management system for early childhood education students. which must gather the body of knowledge in the subject matter to be integrated with the current situation in the educational institute that operates Learners need to rely on technology around them (T) along with adult learning (A) that encourages learners. seek knowledge to design an experience for early childhood children according to the content (c) specified in the curriculum of early childhood education B.E. 2560 in accordance with the age, development (L) and context (X) of the educational institution. Students should therefore have research skills (R) that are fundamental to observing the developments that lead to To improve, develop and promote efficiency and effectiveness in work, as well as to instill professional teachers who have competency according to professional standards of teaching knowledge.

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How to Cite
Chitkla, S., & Jaiman, P. (2024). Context-Based Learning Content. Education Journal of Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, 3(1), e0599. retrieved from
Academic article


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