Public Participation in Community-Based Tourism Management : A Case Study of Pha Mee Village, Wiang PhangKham Sub-district, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province

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Yupha Rungthawiphitthayakun
Prayoon Imiwat
Thapthim Sukpin


This research aims to 1) study the level of public participation in community-based tourism management in Pha Mee Village, and 2) compare personal factors with the participation in community-based tourism management. The study employs quantitative research methods, with the population consisting of local leaders, community leaders, business operators, and General people that living in community aged 20 years and above from Pha Mee Village, Wiang Phang Kham Sub-district, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province, totaling 276 people. Data were analyzed using statistical software to determine percentage, mean, standard deviation, and F-test.

            The findings indicate that the majority of respondents are aged between 40-49 years, work as farmers, have a monthly income of 10,001 – 15,000 baht, and have lived in the community for over
11 years. Most of them are general villagers. Overall, public participation in community-based tourism management is at a moderate level in three areas and at a low level in one area. The areas of participation, in descending order, are as follows: benefit-sharing, operational participation, decision-making,
and evaluation participation. Hypothesis testing reveals that personal factors, such as age, occupation, income, and sample group type, significantly influence the level of public participation in tourism management. However, the length of time living in the community does not significantly affect participation levels.

               Keyword Public participation, Community-based tourism management

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How to Cite
Rungthawiphitthayakun, Y., Imiwat, P., & Sukpin, T. (2024). Public Participation in Community-Based Tourism Management : A Case Study of Pha Mee Village, Wiang PhangKham Sub-district, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province. Journal of Public Administration Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, 7(2), 37–60. retrieved from
Research Article