Publication Ethics
Journal of Public Administration, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Duties of Authors
     1. Authors must certify that the article submitted for consideration has not been previously published or disseminated elsewhere and is not under review by another journal.
     2. Authors must not distort data, provide misleading information, or falsify any information.
     3. Authors must not plagiarize the work of others. If any work or excerpts from other sources are used in the article, proper citations must be made, and a reference list must be included at the end of the article.
     4. Authors must list all contributors and clearly specify their roles and responsibilities. The inclusion of non-contributors is strictly prohibited.
     5. Authors must adhere to the format and submission guidelines, including citation requirements as specified by the journal.
     6. Authors must disclose any funding sources supporting the research and declare any conflicts of interest.
     7. If the article involves the use of animals, participants, or volunteers, or includes sensitive research findings, authors must ensure compliance with relevant laws, ethical standards, and obtain necessary consents or approvals from ethics committees.
     8. If any ethical breaches in points 1, 2, 3, or 4 are discovered, even post-publication, the journal will disqualify the publication for at least three years and notify the relevant institution or authors as applicable.

Duties of Editors
     1. Editors must review all submitted articles to ensure they align with the journal's objectives and scope.
     2. Editors must check for plagiarism and redundancy in all submitted articles. If detected, the evaluation process must be halted, and authors must be contacted for explanations before deciding to accept or reject the article. Editors have the right to withdraw articles without authors' consent.
     3. Editors must not reject articles based solely on personal doubts or suspicions. Authors should be given a chance to provide evidence. Editorial decisions must be based on academic reasoning without prejudice towards the author's race, gender, religion, culture, politics, or affiliation.
     4. Editors must maintain confidentiality regarding the authors and reviewers during the review process.
     5. Editors must avoid conflicts of interest, including publishing their own work, and should not exploit articles or the journal for personal gain.
     6. Editors must oversee the quality of the articles selected for publication and ensure they align with the journal's policies, focusing on presenting new theoretical insights from experiences, document synthesis, or research.
     7. Editors and the editorial board must strictly follow the journal’s processes and uphold its standards, continually working to improve the journal's quality and relevance.
     8. Editors must ensure transparency in the fee structure, such as page charges or processing fees, including clear announcements and stated conditions.

Duties of Reviewers
     1. If reviewers recognize a conflict of interest, such as personal connections with the authors or collaboration on projects, they should inform the editors and decline the review.
     2. Reviewers should assess articles within their expertise, considering the significance, quality of analysis, and rigor of the work, avoiding personal biases.
     3. Reviewers should identify relevant research not cited by the authors and notify the editors of any significant similarities with other works.
     4. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and not disclose any part of the articles to unauthorized individuals or exploit the articles for personal gain.
     5. Reviewers should adhere to the journal’s timelines and provide constructive feedback based on academic reasoning, ensuring fairness and impartiality.

Research Ethics in Human and Animal Studies (if applicable)
     If research involving humans or animals is conducted, authors must provide evidence of ethical approval or exemption from an ethics review board. Authors are requested to submit such documentation to the editorial board at E-mail: for additional consideration.