Happy Workplace of Schools Under the Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Pimpitcha Ritmontree
Chonmanee Silanookit


This research article aims to study the happy workplace of schools under the Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office; and compares the opinions of these teachers as classified by the demographical characteristics of genders, educational qualifications and work experiences. The samples used in the research were 322 teachers teaching in schools under the Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office in the academic year 2023. The research instrument was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire with the Item-Objective Congruence between 0.60-1.00 and reliability of the questionnaire in question stood at 0.99. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Scheffé’s multiple comparison method. Findings are as follows: (1) The teacher’s opinions level on happy workplace of schools under the Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office overall were expressed at a high level. (2) Teachers of different genders have opinions on the Happy Workplace of schools under the Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office overall with statistical significance at the .05 level. (3) Teachers who differed in educational qualifications did not exhibited concomitant differences in their opinions of happy workplace overall and for all aspects. (4) Teachers who differed in work experiences did not exhibited concomitant differences in their opinions of happy workplace overall.

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How to Cite
Ritmontree, P., & Silanookit, C. (2024). Happy Workplace of Schools Under the Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office. City State Journal, 1(1), 35–46. retrieved from https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CS_J/article/view/273
Research Article


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