Publication Ethics
Roles and Duties of Authors
1. The authors must certify that the submitted article is a new article. The article must have never been published before or are in the process of considering any other journal or publication source.
2. The authors must prepare the article correctly according to the format specified by the journal.
3. The authors must not plagiarize the work of others. If the work of others is used, it must be referenced according to the format specified by the journal.
4. All the authors listed in the article must be involved in conducting real research.
5. The authors must report actual research data, not distort information, and not provide false information.
6. The authors must correct the revision of the article according to the recommendations of the editor and the reviewers.
7. If it is human research, the authors must be trained in human research ethics and show a certificate from the Human Research Ethics Committee.
8. In case of the authors is unethical. Will be disqualified from publishing for a period of at least 3 years by notifying the authors and the agency of the authors.
9. Articles published in the journal are the work of the authors. The main authors and the co-authors are responsible for their articles.
Roles and Duties of Editor
1. The editor is responsible for considering the quality of the article for publication in the journal. By selecting articles that are consistent with the objectives and scope of the journal. And the article must be reviewed from experts who specialize in that field.
2. The editor is responsible for strictly checking plagiarism. Using the CopyCatch program on the ThaiJO website at a level of not more than 15%. If it is detected that there is a copy from other articles wrongfully or has been modified. The editor can withdraw the article without the consent of the authors. Which is considered the right and responsibility of the editor.
3. The editor must practice with academic reasons to consider every article with fairness. Without bias towards the article and authors.
4. The editor must not proceed to have any references to increase the number of citations of the journal. Or to increase the number of citations of their work or their friends.
5. The editor must not have conflicts of interest with the authors or reviewers.
6. The editor must not disclose the information of the authors and the reviewers to unrelated parties.
7. The editor must not use some or all parts of the article as their own work.
Roles and Duties of Reviewers
1. The reviewers must realize that they have knowledge and understanding of the content of truly reviewed academic works.
2. The reviewers must take into the quality of the article. By considering the article under academic principles and reasons to the improvement of standard articles.
3. The reviewers should provide consistent suggestions and helpful feedback to the authors.
4. The reviewers must not have any conflicts of interest with journal, editor, and authors.
5. The reviewers must not disclose the information of the submitted article. During the period of the review article.
6. The reviewers who detect that the article considered is similar or redundant with other works. The reviewers must notify to the editor.
7. The reviewers must submit the article review results on time.
Human Research Ethics
1. Research papers in human research must follow the guidelines for conducting human research in behavioral sciences, social sciences and humanities of the National Commission on Science, Research and Innovation Promotion.
2. Research papers with vulnerable groups must be considered by a variety of representations, how to contact, potential risks, and questions that can be answered.
3. Research papers with vulnerable persons or minors under the age of 18 must obtain the consent of a legal representative, guardian, or curator of such person according to the laws and according to the criteria announced by the National Commission on Science, Research and Innovation Promotion.
4. Research papers with deceased person must have the consent of the administrator or heirs. And such research is prohibited if contrary to the intention of writing the letter of the deceased person.
5. Research papers in human research must be lawful on the Personal Data Protection Act, Official Information Act, and Other Laws.