About the Journal

ONESQA Quality Assurance in Education Journal

publishes original empirical or theoretical articles on Quality Assurance (QA) in education issues, including dimensions and indicators of Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement, as applicable to education at all levels; i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary, Higher Education (HE), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

Periodically, OEJ also publishes systematic reviews, research syntheses, and assessment policy articles on topics of current significance. As an international journal, OEJ seeks submissions on topics that have national and global relevance.

Aim and Scope

Article submissions could pertain to the following areas integral to Quality Assurance in Education's mission:

  • Standards, reforms, accountability, accreditation, and audits in education
  • School efficiency assessments
  • Effective tools for organizational or program development
  • Critical elements, challenges, impact, and good practices in QA
  • Tools, criteria, and methods for examining or assuring quality

OEJ Policy

Publication Charge: There are no charges for the first two years (2024-2025) to submit and publish all the following areas above in the journal.

Type: Peer reviewed journal (Double blind)

Frequency: 2 issues per year (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec)

Language: Full text and abstract are both in English

Open Access Policy: This journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that serves authors, researchers, academic institutions, and the wider community, both national and international, by publishing high-quality articles. All articles published open access in this journal will be freely available for everyone to read, download, copy, and view.