Guidelines for Obtaining Halal Certification for Entrepreneurs in Singburi Province


  • Apisid Maklohlay International Islamic College Bangkok, Krirk University
  • Bandit Aroman International Islamic College Bangkok, Krirk University


Halal Certification, Entrepreneurs, Central Islamic Council of Thailand


This research aims to study the guidelines for obtaining Halal certification among entrepreneurs in Singburi Province. This process is crucial for enhancing credibility and trust in products or services among Muslim consumers. The study employs qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs who have experience in obtaining Halal certification and officials involved in the inspection and approval of Halal certification applications.

The findings reveal that entrepreneurs in Singburi Province face several obstacles in obtaining Halal certification. These challenges include the complexity of the process, the need for specialized knowledge, and the costs associated with the application process. Additionally, a lack of understanding about the Halal certification process emerged as a significant factor contributing to the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs.

Based on the findings, the researcher proposed several recommendations to improve the efficiency of the Halal certification process. These include organizing training programs and providing knowledge to entrepreneurs, simplifying the application process, and offering financial support for certification fees by relevant agencies. These improvements aim to enhance efficiency and reduce the obstacles encountered by entrepreneurs. This research highlights the importance of Halal certification in not only boosting the credibility and trustworthiness of products or services but also expanding market competitiveness and customer bases. Such benefits contribute to both the local and national economy. The results of this study can serve as a guideline for improving the Halal certification process in Singburi Province and other regions. Furthermore, it provides a foundation for future research on Halal certification procedures.

The findings revealed that entrepreneurs in Singburi Province face several obstacles in obtaining Halal certification, including the complexity of the process, the need for specialized knowledge, and the operational fees. Additionally, the lack of understanding of the Halal certification process is a significant factor that causes difficulties for entrepreneurs in obtaining certification.

Based on the research findings, the researcher proposed guidelines to improve the Halal certification process, which include organizing training and education for entrepreneurs, simplifying the process, and supporting the certification fees from relevant agencies. These improvements aim to enhance efficiency and reduce the obstacles faced by entrepreneurs.

This research is important because obtaining Halal certification not only increases the credibility and trust in the products or services of entrepreneurs but also enhances their market competitiveness and expands their customer base, benefiting the local and national economy.

The findings of this research can be used as a guideline to develop an effective Halal certification process in Singburi Province and other provinces. Additionally, it can serve as a fundamental reference for further research on Halal certification in the future.


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How to Cite

Maklohlay, A., & Aroman, B. . (2024). Guidelines for Obtaining Halal Certification for Entrepreneurs in Singburi Province. Thailand Islamic Journal, 1(2), 39–54. retrieved from



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