Application of the 7R Principle in Logistics in Islamic Community Freight Technology for Economic Development


  • Nattapong Tamkaew Krirk University
  • Anusara Muhammad Krirk University
  • Thatcharit Panarak Krirk University
  • Phusonda Phothong Krirk University
  • Anusorn Srisawat Krirk University
  • Nannicha Thongmon Krirk University


7R Principles, Logistics, Community Goods Transportation, Islamic Business, Economic Development


This research focuses on studying the application of the 7R principles in logistics management, specifically in the technology of community goods transportation for Islamic businesses, which serves as a crucial tool for promoting economic development in local communities. This study explores and analyzes the use of the 7R principles: delivering the right product, in the right quantity, in the right condition, to the right place, at the right time, to the right customer, and at the right cost. The research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews with Islamic business operators in the community and surveys of consumer data. The results indicate that applying the 7R principles in managing transportation technology can increase efficiency and reduce operational costs, while also promoting sustainable economic development in local communities. The study recommends the development of technology and logistics systems that align with the religious and cultural values of Islamic communities to strengthen and sustain local economic growth.


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How to Cite

Tamkaew, N., Muhammad, A. ., Panarak, T., Phothong, P., Srisawat, A. ., & Thongmon, N. (2024). Application of the 7R Principle in Logistics in Islamic Community Freight Technology for Economic Development. Thailand Islamic Journal, 1(2), 101–116. Retrieved from



Academic Article