Ceramic products for concealing scars outside the clothing. Ceramic products for concealing scars outside the clothing.

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Phiphat Chit-arirak and Sasikarn Chareanthong


Nowadays, many people who have scars that may have been acquired from treatment or accidents have lost confidence in living life. Therefore, the products are designed to conceal scars outside the clothing. This work aims 1) to study, analyze and design products to suit the needs of the target group, 2) to design products for concealing scars outside the clothing, and 3) to design products that can be produced according to the ceramics process. The method of study focuses on the target group of females from working age to middle age who have scars outside the clothing, causing them to lack confidence in daily life. The design concept comes from the elegant Thai peacock, developing the form of the peacock feather pattern to be beautiful. Selected works from design experts. The results of the study allowed us to design a product to help conceal unseen scars in three areas of the body: 1) the neck area, 2) the torso area, and 3) the lower and leg area. The products are formed by a slip casting mold, glazed in green and pink colors, and decorated with gold on the glaze. The summary of the product design indicates aesthetic appeal and responsiveness to user needs, meeting the target group's expectations well.

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How to Cite
and Sasikarn Chareanthong, P. C.- arirak . (2024). Ceramic products for concealing scars outside the clothing.: Ceramic products for concealing scars outside the clothing. Journal of Research Creative Architecture and Design, 1(1). Retrieved from https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRCAD/article/view/1051
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