Information Management and Organizational Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development
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Management information system is a system that collects and stores information from various sources for knowledge management (KM: Knowledge Management) that exists in an organization. scattered among persons or documents Let's develop it into a system. So that everyone in the organization can access knowledge and develop oneself to be a knowledgeable person Including working efficiently.
Findings: Organizations that can manage information and knowledge management for sustainable development result in competitive organizations. There are 2 types of knowledge that are used: knowledge embedded in people (Tacit Knowledge) is knowledge gained from experience. An individual's talent for understanding things is knowledge that cannot be conveyed in words or writing such as work skills, craftsmanship, or analytical thinking. That is called abstract knowledge. And explicit knowledge (Explicit Knowledge) is knowledge that can be gathered and transferred through methods such as written records, theories, manuals that are relevant to the process of driving the organization towards sustainability, consisting of 1) Context analysis. Relationships between businesses and stakeholders and related issues to determine the organization's important sustainability issues, 2) setting the organization's sustainability policy, 3) setting the organization's sustainability strategy, 4) driving sustainability into practice, and 5) disclosing information on corporate sustainability
Knowledge Information management and knowledge management of the organization requires reviewing the organization's information and designing and producing electronic information in other formats. In order for the organization to be confident that there is accuracy, correctness, stability, reliability and that the information system The availability of those information systems must be analyzed to check their use Ease of use for personnel and customers There are ways to build trust. enterprise knowledge management Gathering and transferring personnel knowledge Merge and link data Transferring organizational knowledge to personnel and can continue to create new innovations Exchange learning of organizational best practices By searching for information from operations to have outstanding performance results To create excellence for the organization.
Brief summary of information management It is an information system arrangement. distribution of information both inside and outside the organization Introduction of information technology and communication used in management Including policies or strategies at the organizational level. that are important to the organization include management, operations, and law. Knowledge management or KM (Knowledge Management) is the collection of knowledge that exists in the organization. which are scattered about people or documents Let's develop it into a system. So that everyone in the organization can access knowledge and develop yourself to be a knowledgeable person Including working efficiently The process of driving the organization towards sustainability consists of 1) analyzing the context, 2) setting the organization's sustainability policy, 3) setting the organization's sustainability strategy, 4) driving sustainability into practice, and 5) disclosing information about sustainability. corporate sustainability.
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