Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Advice for Article Writers

  1. Types of Article Publication in the Journal

1.1 Special Article: This focuses the scholars as a target group on providing rich academic knowledge which is peered and approval by subject-matter experts.

1.2 Research Article: This is detailed studies reporting new work and is classified as primary literature, and it has not been previously published in nor simultaneously submitted to other journals.

1.3 Academic Article: This presents dominant academic knowledge provided new body of knowledge in the society.


            The author shall produce the manuscript format in accordance with the guideline to authors stated in Journal of Organizational Management Excellence as follows:

            2.1 The author can download each template of types of the articles to arrange the content of the author's article into a Template by the following steps:

                        2.1.1 Template of research article (.docx) 

                        2.1.2 Template of academic article and special article (.docx) 

            2.2 The author must download the certificate of the journal by (.pdf)  and complete the details with the piece of writing in LINE on the webpage for initial verification.

            2.3 The committee will contact back as attached documents of the author sending via LINE on the webpage and the author will receive the Google Form to complete.

            2.4 The committee will dispatch the registration system to the author. In case that the author has already registered to the journal system, the author can follow step 2.1 and 2.2. The process can be reached through the link here: https://sso.tci-thaijo.org/auth/realms/thaijo/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=thaijo&response_type=code&scope=openid&redirect_uri=https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JOME/openid/doAuthentication?provider=custom (For more information, the author can access to Thaijo). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ehMHBWPrsJCaqaDhBnNQfRIHuw-_u98_hGHVMPGH01I/edit Once the article is submitted to the journal system, the committee will proceed the verification method and inform the author of the article.

3.Article Verification and Proofreading

            The author has to realize on the importance of article guideline of the journal and its correctness with proofreading before submitting to the editorial. So doing will shorten the process of article submission and the editorial team reserves the right to rejection if article correctness is adverse based on the journal regulations.

4.Article Format Preparation

            4.1 The TH Saraban PSK font type at the size of 16 pt. is to be used throughout for Thai version and the Times New Roman font type at the size of 12 pt. employing a double-spaced for English version. The text is on A4 size standard and leaving 1.5-inch top margin, 1-inch bottom margin, and 1-inch left-right margins. Page numbers should consecutively be used throughout at the top right side of the paper. The manuscript is maximum of 20 pages including figures and tables.

            4.2 Title needs in both Thai and English typed at the center.

            4.3 The author details, such as academic position, major, faculty, affiliate of every co-author or supervisor, are consecutive; begin with the main author and follow by other co-authors under the title; at the center.; and end with the email.

            4.4 Abstract is required in both Thai and English and should not exceed no longer than 500 words.

            4.5 Keywords are required approximately 3-5 keywords.

            4.6 Order of heading, the biggest heading is organized at a left-align margin; subheadings are listed in a 3-5-letter spaced after the heading and other subheadings are listed consecutively at the same point. Other headings should be typed in a 0.5-line space.

            4.7 Use of numbers, abbreviations, and parentheses has to be typed in Arabic numerals; used universally (the full form is identified at first); and started with a capital letter of each word, respectively.

         Research article should be organized to include the following:

1) Abstract

2) Introduction; identifying the significance of research problem

3) Research Objectives

4) Literature Review

5) Conceptual Framework

6) Research Methodology; identifying research plan of obtaining samples and sample size, instruments used, data collection, and data analysis

7) Results: providing based on research objectives respectively in table or chart format

8) Discussion; providing as the essay to identify the relationship of results, conceptual framework, and previous studies; should not be explained in item, but indicated the connection of all variables

9) New knowledge from research. Explain new knowledge gained from research that can be developed further.

10) Suggestion; stating the important conclusion, implication, and future research

11) References; requiring as in the footnotes in both Thai and English.

Special Article, Academic Article, should be organized to include the following:

1) Abstract

2) Introduction

3) Content; presenting important points consecutively with conceptual framework result of the paper

4) New Knowledge

5) Conclusion

6) References


5.In-text Citation

In-text citation system, APA style, is used in this manuscript systemized by authors last name(s), year of publication, and page numbers of the paper at before or after of the cited text as follows:

1.As the name author–date system implies, the in-text citation includes the author and date with the author names in running text and year of publication in parentheses. For instance: Research by Chester L, (1938) supported...

2.As the name author–date system implies, the in-text citation includes the author and year of publication inside parentheses. For instance:

2.1 In case the author has only one cited author, it must be (Borel, 2016).

2.2 In case the author has two cited authors, it must be used an ampersand (&) between names for a work with two authors: (Grazer and Fishman, 2015).

2.3 In case the author has 3 or more cited authors, it must be used an ampersand (&) before the last author: (Argyris et al.,1972).

Reference Writing

            At the end of the pieces of the article, you, as the author, need a list of materials that you have used or referred to followed by APA style as follows:


            Author(s). (Year of publication). Title. (Edition). Place of Publication: Press’ Name.

Simon,Herbert A. (1976). Administrative Behavior. (3rd ed.). New York: The Free Press.

2.Journal Article

            Author(s). (Year of publication). Title. Name of the Journal, Year (Volume), Article Page (p.) Number (first page-last page).

            Jurkovich,R (1974). A Core Typology of Organization Environments. Administrative Science Quarterly, 19 (2), 380-394.

3.Dissertation/Thesis/Thematic Paper/Research Report

            Author(s). (Year of publication). Title. Level of the Writing Piece. Affiliate: University name.

            Jaffee,D. (2001). The Development on New Generation of Thai Farmers to Propel Thai Eeonomy . Research Report. College : Thepsatri Rajabhat University.


            Author(s). (Year of publication). Title. Online. accessed Year Month Date. Available from: URL.

            BBC New. (2016). Etnical Alzheimers or Social Advocates solution. Online. Retrieved May 3, 2017. from : http://www.bbc.com/2016/ WORLD


            Author(s). (Year of publication). Title. Conference Title. Date Month Year of the Conference. Venue. Place of Publication: Press’ Name.

Natthabhan, S. (2000). The Besuty of Wonmen in Theravada Philosopy. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation : voll. 38. Perspectives on Motivation. 18 July 2000. Lincoln. USA: University of Nebraska Prees.


            Name of the Dictionary Book. (Year of publication). Place of Publication: Press’ Name.

Shoter Oxford English dictionary. (2002). New York: Oxford University Press.



  1. Illustration section (Figure) and table section (Table)

Illustrations and tables should be as sparse as necessary. Print 1 image or 1 table per page. For captions and tables, type them above the image or table. As for additional explanation, put it under the picture or table.