Organizational techniques for creating satisfaction with customer service

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Jittra Sompanpong


          Creating satisfaction for customers in business organizations is an important matter. Because creating satisfaction makes consumers decide to buy. including loyalty to the product brand which results in good profits in the long run There are many ways to create satisfaction for customers Creating new experiences to customers all the time An important concept in providing services to customers or people who come to receive services, with the main goal being for the people who come to use the services. It is convenient and fast, able to fully respond to the needs of the people and allow service recipients to feel satisfied with the services they receive in terms of equal service provision Providing timely service Providing adequate and continuous service, advancing service quality (Service Quality) is the ability to meet the needs of every organization that has service-related duties is the most important thing that will make a difference. Competitors Offering quality service that meets the expectations of service recipients is something that must be done Service recipients will be satisfied if they receive what they want and in the desired format. The ability to create satisfaction includes providing equal service. Timely, adequate, continuous, and progressive. The parts that will lead to successful service include reliability and trust. Speed ​​or response, guarantee, individual customer satisfaction.
          Knowledge: The organization must have a method for listening to the voices of past and present customers. both that you should have and both that of your competitors To receive feedback on customer service as well as support and customer service Organizational leaders must have methods for using customer-related information. To determine current customer groups and forecasting future customers Set the direction for customers to value and invite them to use more services in the organization. Find out the needs and desires of providing customer service. Adjust customer service to meet needs and exceed customer expectations.
          Brief summary: Providing services to people who come to receive services is the main goal of getting them to come and use services. It is convenient and fast to meet the needs of the people. Make service recipients feel satisfied with the service in terms of providing equal, timely, and adequate service. Service quality is Meeting the needs of every organization that is responsible for providing services is important to differentiate itself from competitors. Providing services that meet the expectations of service recipients is something that must be done. Service recipients will be satisfied if they receive what they want. The ability to create satisfaction includes providing equal service. Timely, sufficient, continuous, and progressive.

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How to Cite
Sompanpong, J. . (2024). Organizational techniques for creating satisfaction with customer service. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 2(4), 1–14. retrieved from


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