Using Skills Training to Develop Academic Achievement in Basic Educational Institutions
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New future skills concept Learning in the 21st Century and the Conceptual Framework for Learning in the 21st Century, which defines strategic guidelines for organizing learning. Skills exercises are teaching media created as a guideline for training skills for learners. There will be exercises as activities for students to practice and the activities should have a variety of formats. Therefore, exercises are very important to students in helping to strengthen skills for students to learn and understand faster, clearer, and more broadly. Make teachers' teaching and students' learning successful and efficient. Therefore, exercises are quite important to students. In order to help strengthen the skills of students to learn and understand faster, clearer, and more broadly. make the teacher's teaching and students' learning is successful and efficient Creating exercises must take into account psychology in order to create exercises that are appropriate for the age and ability of the students. It also serves as a guideline for organizing teaching and learning activities. So that students will be satisfied with doing the exercises. Cover content Interesting pattern Gain direct experience Appropriate to the age of the learners There is clarity of instruction. and did it himself until he developed a good attitude towards learning and can evaluate student development as well This will lead to success in learning efficiently. Academic achievement that is a characteristic of knowledge A person's abilities that have developed after being taught, trained, and trained until they are successful in knowledge and skills. and various aspects of performance Therefore, academic achievement is the academic ability of each person. Assessed by taking tests or completing assigned tasks. which can be measured in terms of practical skills by using practical tests and content measurement By using a measurement test academic achievement It is a specific academic indicator. The social studies, religion, and culture learning group helps students gain knowledge and understanding about how humans live their lives. Both as an individual and living together in society adaptation to the environment Managing limited resources also helps students understand development. Change according to the era, time, according to various factors, causing understanding of oneself and others, being patient, tolerant, accepting of differences, and having morality, being able to apply knowledge to living life. Continue to be a good citizen of the nation and world society.
The knowledge and skills training consists of content, teaching format. Experience Appropriateness to the age of the students and the attitude of the students Leads to teaching and learning in the classroom. In terms of the readiness of teaching media The teacher's side, the learner's side, and the teaching method side. It will affect the academic achievement of students in physical, social, emotional, social and intellectual aspects. that is sustainable.
In brief, skill training has an impact on student achievement through a good teaching and learning process.
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