Factors Motivating Consumers in Making Decisions to Buy Goods and Services throughWebsites of People in Maha Sarakham Municipality
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At present, the digital world or online media, various online websites are very influential media and are becoming more and more influential in marketing and advertising because they are media that are consistent and can be accessed by the population in this era very well. The objective of this research is to study the factors that motivate consumers to decide to purchase products and services through the website. The sample group consisted of 206 people in Maha Sarakham Municipality. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that: Consumers in Maha Sarakham Municipality tend to be satisfied and have confidence in using the website to purchase goods and services, with the mean total score being at a high level (4.4859) and having a low deviation value (0.52062). This means that high satisfaction and trustworthiness in web usage are important for consumers in this field. It is worth noting that positive factors such as convenience, quality of information, and reliability have a strong influence on Creating incentives for consumers to decide to purchase products and services through online websites in Maha Sarakham Municipality based on the complete and comprehensive information provided.
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