Alcohol purchase behavior of consumers in Maha Sarakham Municipality
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Alcohol consumption affects others physically, mentally, family, and social and economic conditions. alcohol consumption It has a direct negative effect on liver function. Causes accumulation of fat in the liver. Causes inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver. Moreover, it causes the drinker's personality to change, becoming weak, hateful, and not having responsibility for himself and his family. including a lack of work efficiency. Effects of drinking alcohol, access to alcohol, perceptions, and attitudes towards drinking alcohol, principles to solve the problem of alcohol drinking among children and youth, especially first-year university students who have adapted to changes in the new environment and have more freedom in living life. The location of entertainment venues close to many educational institutions makes it attractive and makes it easy to be influenced by friends and new surroundings. The purpose of this research is to study the alcohol purchasing behavior of consumers in Maha Sarakham Municipality. The sample group consisted of 200 people in the Maha Sarakham Municipality area. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative data used Content Analysis and presented descriptively. The behavior of purchasing alcoholic beverages of Consumers in Maha Sarakham Municipality as a whole has a low behavior in purchasing alcoholic beverages for other people and the brand, they like the most, and there is behavior in purchasing alcoholic beverages from places. The place I like the most. In addition, the behavior of purchasing alcoholic beverages frequently is low and the behavior of purchasing alcoholic beverages is moderate each time.
New knowledge From the study of consumer studies on the purchase of alcoholic beverages, it has been shown that there is a wide variety of behaviors and attitudes of consumers in choosing this product. The average of the comments ranged from "moderate" to "high" Therefore, it is important information to know the opinions and factors influencing the purchase of alcoholic beverages. And can help in planning and defining marketing strategies for these products to reach the target group effectively. To create satisfaction and success in selling products in the alcoholic beverage market.
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