Educational Excellence of Educational Administrators of Phrapariyattham School Department of General Education According to the Principles of Itthipatha 4 in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Dolphon Hansaporn


           The importance of educational management problems that focus on excellence in educational institutions. according to the national education act b.e. 1999 and amendments (no. 4) b.e. 2019, section 6, sections 47, 49 and 51 regarding educational standards and quality assurance in order to develop the quality and standards of school education to be of higher quality.
           The objectives of this research are 1) to study the administration of educational institutions towards excellence by administrators of phrapariyattham school. general education department nakhon ratchasima province 2) to study the guidelines for managing educational institutions towards excellence according to the 4 principles of the phra pariyattitham school administrators. general education department.
           Research model it is a combination of methods. the sample group consisted of 152 administrators and teachers. the research tools were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. using statistical analysis to find the average and standard deviation and content analysis.
           Research results according to objective number 1: educational institution administration towards excellence by phrapariyattham school administrators. general education department overall, it is at a high level. the most commonly practiced areas are measurement, analysis and knowledge management. next is the results side. and organizational leadership, respectively.
            Research results according to objective number 2: guidelines for educational institution administration towards excellence according to the 4 principles of the phra pariyattham school administrators. general education department: administrators should be thought leaders. who has a vision in setting administrative policies encourage the participation of personnel both inside and outside the school. along with giving equal importance to personnel at all levels.
           Brief summary of educational institution administration towards excellence according to the 4 iddhipada principles of phrapariyattidhamma school administrators. general education department overall, the average score was at a high level. guidelines for managing educational institutions towards excellence according to the 4 principles of the phra pariyattham school administrators. general education department: administrators should be thought leaders. who has a vision in setting management policies both in the short term and in the long term it can also clearly define the administrative structure of the school. including supervising, supervising and following up on the implementation of plans/projects that have been laid out.

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How to Cite
Hansaporn, D. . (2024). Educational Excellence of Educational Administrators of Phrapariyattham School Department of General Education According to the Principles of Itthipatha 4 in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 1(6), 18–41. retrieved from


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