Leading the Organization by Senior Leaders in Managing the Organization Effectively

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Wisuwan Rueangtawan


           Leaders are knowledgeable, capable, and have a broad vision. Able to predict the future and determine the direction Analyze and make decisions to lead to goal success. Be a leader in change and make co-workers agree to work together The leadership theory mentioned above is a concept that emerged from research analysis. Such leadership will be found Leadership is a condition of or the status of the leader that are manifested and acted upon as a result of social groups Aiming to bring about success according to the group's goals. And as a result, members are satisfied with their work. A strong culture will affect organizational effectiveness in terms of organizational culture, strategy, environment, and technology. Personality, motivation, and ability characteristics that are necessary for the effectiveness of administrators, consistent with the theory of people and situations (Personal-Situation Theory) is a theory that arises from the analysis of the results of people's involvement in various situations resulting in leadership, also known as situations that can create leaders. It usually depends on the situation, meaning the reaction and environment of the social group. Able to create leadership

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How to Cite
Rueangtawan, W. . (2024). Leading the Organization by Senior Leaders in Managing the Organization Effectively. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 1(6), 1–17. retrieved from https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JOME/article/view/572


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