Development of a Model for Professional Educational Administrators in Phrapariyattham Schools in Pathum Thani Province
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Professional executives are executives who have the ability to organize organizations. Able to analyze situations in order to lead to changes. and adjust intelligently, knowing weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and limitations in order to synthesize them into management strategies with competitive potential especially support and create a professional learning community The objectives of the research are to study 1) the components and conceptual framework of being a professional school administrator 2) the current condition and the desired condition. and essential needs of professional administrators and 3) develop and evaluate a model for developing professional educational administrators.
Research model It is a mixed research method (Explanatory Mixed Methods Research) which is a combination of quantitative research methods. (Quantitative Methodology Research) and qualitative (Qualitative Methodology Research) together in providing both quantitative data. and qualitative which is analyzed using statistical methods.
Research results according to objective number 1. The results of the synthesis of the components of professional school administrators found that there were 4 main components: 1) Personality 2) Ethics and professional responsibility. (Professional value) 3) Professional knowledge and understanding (Professional Knowledge) and 4) Professional Competency (Professional Competency) and 15 sub-components.
Results of research according to objective no. 2 Results of study of current conditions Desired condition and the necessary needs of professional educational institution administrators, it was found that the overall current condition is at a high level. The component with the highest average value was Personality, while the overall desirable condition was at the highest level. The component with the highest average was ethics and professional responsibility. (Professional value) Necessities, arranged from highest to lowest, are: 1) professional knowledge and understanding (Professional Knowledge) 2) Professional competence (Professional Competency) 3) Ethics and professional responsibility (Professional value) and 4) Personality (Personality).
Research results according to objective number 3, development of a professional school administrator model, include satisfaction and willingness to perform duties. Continuous effort to perform duties Attention in performing duties regularly and check frequently Edit and improve regularly. The format includes Principles/concepts, objectives, content and expected results. Results of the format evaluation were found to be appropriate. possibility and usefulness in actual use in development highest level
The findings from this research are the extension of knowledge development. Professional understanding in the psychology of student development Creating a collaborative network to develop learning and the application of technology for educational institution management. Develop professional competency Problem analysis/risk analysis Academic Leadership and evaluating and learning to create innovation.
In brief, the results of the synthesis of the components of professional school administrators found that there were 4 main components and 15 sub-components. Results of the current study Desired condition and necessary needs, it was found that the overall current condition is at a high level Developing a model for professional school administrators, including satisfaction and willingness to perform duties. Continuous effort to perform duties The format includes Principles/concepts, objectives, content, and expected results. The results of the form evaluation were found to be useful in use in actual development. highest level
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