Leadership Development Strategies for School Administrators Under the Jurisdiction of the Chanthaburi Educational Service Area Office

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Wantha Juthacom


           Educational leadership is critical to the success of any government or private organization. Must have appropriate roles and qualifications in various administrations and have behavior in performing duties. that is correct and appropriate Because the success of every aspect of the organization depends on the leader. or executives Who will be the person who gives orders or decides to solve various problems. To make work efficient The objectives of this research are 1) to study the current and desired conditions of leadership for educational institution administrators, 2) to develop leadership strategies for educational institution administrators, and 3) to evaluate leadership strategies for educational institution administrators.
           Research model The research method is a hybrid of quantitative and qualitative research. The research tools included questionnaires, semi-structured interviews. and strategy suitability check form Quantitative research
           Research results according to objective number 1: Leadership for educational institution administrators. Under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office Chanthaburi Province The average of the desired condition is higher than the current condition in every aspect and every issue. Overall, it is at a high level. When sorted by importance of urgent needs that must be developed first. Which is determined from the PNI index values as follows: 1) morality, 2) expertise, 3) human relations, and 4) vision.
           Research results according to objective number 2: Leadership strategies for school administrators. Under the Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, it consists of 4 main strategies: 1) a strategy to transform leaders with a shared vision, 2) a strategy to develop leaders to be proficient with innovation, 3) a strategy to strengthen the human relations of leaders in a sustainable way, and 4) a strategy to change leaders. Moral couple
           Research results according to objective number 3: Evaluation of leadership strategies for school administrators. Under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office Chanthaburi Province Experts have examined the leadership strategy and found that it is appropriate. possibility and usefulness Overall, it is at the highest level. and can actually be used in development
           The findings from this research are that leadership development strategies for educational administrators It comes from the desirable characteristics of leadership strategies for school administrators, including 1) vision, 2) expertise, 3) human relations, and 4) morality, by integrating together leadership principles with of educational institution administrators, consisting of 1) a strategy to transform leaders with a shared vision, 2) a strategy to develop leaders to be proficient with innovation, 3) a strategy to strengthen human relations among leaders sustainably, and 4) a strategy to change leaders with morality.
           In brief, leadership for educational institution administrators is average, overall at a high level. Considered from the PNI index values as follows: morality, expertise human relations and 4) vision Leadership strategies for school administrators consist of 4 main strategies: a strategy for transforming leaders with a shared vision; Strategy for developing leaders to become proficient with innovation Strategies for strengthening human relations among leaders sustainably and strategies for changing leaders with morality Evaluation of leadership strategies for school administrators found that they were appropriate. possibility and usefulness Overall, it is at the highest level. and can actually be used in development

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How to Cite
Juthacom, W. . (2024). Leadership Development Strategies for School Administrators Under the Jurisdiction of the Chanthaburi Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 1(4), 13–28. retrieved from https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JOME/article/view/570


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