Local Elections and The 4 Principles of Intibath
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This academic article it shows that decentralization will help local people to participate closely in local government. especially through electoral activities at the local level, in line with the spirit of decentralization and local government in the constitution. from the year 1997 to the year 2017
Results of the study: elections are a political process in which people express their choices in local government. therefore, elections are when people use their rights to vote to choose representatives so that the representatives they choose can act on their behalf in local government organizations. each area of the country to be in accordance with the principles of the universal declaration of human rights. it has been determined that the will of the people is the basis of the ruler's state power. such an intention it must be expressed through honest and fair elections. which is held from time to time according to the term of office of local representatives by thorough voting by holding the principle of one person, one vote. successful elections must rely on the four iddhipāda principles, consisting of chanda, viriya, citta and wingsa, which are principles that buddha in order to use principles and concepts to be successful according to the principles of iddhipatha. which the lord buddha said in the tripitaka in order to make it a practice or is it a guideline for success
Knowledge and electoral behavior include character traits, attitudes, beliefs, and values that stimulate election behavior. influenced by the four principles of iddhi pada: chanda is the willingness to go to the polls, viriya is the courage to choose a candidate without fear of influence groups, chitta is the mind focused on democracy, and vimansa is the thought to reflect and choose. the candidates they want in order for the election to be pure and fair
briefly summarized, the religion principles regarding the four iddhipāda, namely chantha, viriya, citta, and vimansa, are religion principles that influence the people to be successful in elections.
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