The Research of Case Study : The Political Behavior of People in Kasetwisai District, Roi-Et Province

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Phatrapa Pattamadon


            The 2017 Constitution defines the role of the people in politics, which reflects political events. It is clear from what is currently happening that Section 44: Every person has the freedom to assemble peacefully and without weapons. Restrictions on freedom under paragraph one cannot be carried out. The objectives of the research are to 1) study the level of political behavior of the people, 2) compare the level of political behavior of the people, and 3) study the suggestions for developing the political behavior of the people.
           Research model It is a combined method research. Research including quantitative research and qualitative research To complement the results obtained from quantitative research.
            Research results according to objective number 1: level of political behavior of the people Overall and each aspect is at a high level. has an average of 3.94, followed by political behavior Political participation There is the aspect of providing political knowledge and the aspect of following political news. The average values ​​were 3.93, 3.92, and 3.88, respectively.
           Research results according to objective number 2: People of Kaset Wisai District. Roi Et Province, with different ages, education levels, occupations, and average monthly incomes, have political behaviors. They are significantly different at the 0.05 level. People of different genders have different political behaviors.
           Research results according to objective number 3: Local leaders should encourage people to know their roles and participate in political activities. Encourage people to exercise their right to choose representatives to act on their behalf in governance at each level of the country. Encourage people to publicize or disseminate news to encourage others to exercise their right to vote in elections.
           The findings from this research are the political behavior of the people. Overall, it is at a high level. As for the level of political behavior of the people according to the principles of Aparihaniyadhamma 7, the overall level was at a high level. People with different ages, educational levels, occupations, and average monthly incomes There is political behavior of the people. Overall, they are significantly different at the 0.05 level. Recommendations for use in promoting participation in elections at all levels.
          Brief summary of people's political behavior Overall and each aspect is at a high level. People with different ages, education levels, occupations, and average monthly incomes have political behavior. They are significantly different at the 0.05 level and local leaders should encourage people to know their roles and participate in political activities.

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How to Cite
Pattamadon, P. . (2024). The Research of Case Study : The Political Behavior of People in Kasetwisai District, Roi-Et Province. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 1(3), 14–26. retrieved from


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