Using the Merit Principle 3 for Participatory Academic Administration of the Office of Special Education Administration

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Nutramon Wiangmontra


           This academic article It shows that education is a learning process for the prosperity of individuals and society through the transmission of knowledge, training, and cultural integration. Creation of knowledge resulting from Provide an environment and society for people to continuously learn throughout their lives. and provide opportunities for people with physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and knowledge conditions that are unusual for the general public.
           The results of the study found that the use of Boonkiriyawatthu principles 3 for participatory academic administration of the Office of Special Education Administration consists of academic administration operations of educational institution administrators, teachers, personnel, and basic educational institution committee members. that are involved in the operation Both in expressing opinions, making decisions, planning, and operating to achieve the objective or solve various problems that may occur with academic administration By the role and duties of the Special Education Office Academic administration includes curriculum and curriculum administration, educational curriculum development. Research to develop the quality of education Development of the learning process Internal supervision Measuring and evaluating educational institutions and educational quality assurance There is the introduction of Dhamma principles. There are 3 merit-making objects Thanamai, Silamai and Bhavanamai are applied to the principles of participatory academic administration. It results in Teachers or subordinates are satisfied with their performance in teaching and learning. Learners achieve academic achievement according to their goals. and parents of students are willing to cooperate with special education institutions that are under the principles The three principles of meritorious virtuousness, namely dānamai, sīlamai, and bhavanamāi, have an effect on students in special education institutions.
           Knowledge of educational institution administrators Under the Office of Special Education Has academic administration duties, including curriculum and curriculum administration. Research to develop the quality of education Development of the learning process Internal supervision Measurement and evaluation and educational quality assurance Applied to the principle of Boonkiriyavatthu 3 These include Thanamai, Silamai and Bhavanamai, which have a positive effect on teachers or subordinates being satisfied with their work. Learners achieve academic achievement according to their goals. and parents of students are willing to cooperate with educational institutions.
            Brief summary of the principles of participatory academic administration in all 6 areas of the Office of Special Education Administration. Can be applied in educational institutions together with the 3 principles of Boonkiriyavatthu, in line with the aim of providing special education for people with disabilities to have a good quality of life like normal people.

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How to Cite
Wiangmontra, N. . . (2024). Using the Merit Principle 3 for Participatory Academic Administration of the Office of Special Education Administration. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 1(3), 1–13. retrieved from


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