The Using 4 Principles of Sangkahawatthu in Academic Administration of Primary Schools Under the Jurisdiction of the Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1
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Academic work is an important mission of educational institutions that aim to provide service recipients, namely students, with self-development in knowledge, attitudes, and skills in various sciences in order to lead to specific educational goals and objectives. Academic work therefore involves the curriculum and curriculum development, the process of transferring knowledge to target groups or learners, organizing media and educational technology. Measurement and evaluation Objectives of the research 1) To study the use of the 4 principles of Sanghawatthu in the academic administration of primary schools. Under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Areas 1 and 2) to propose guidelines for using the Sanghawatthu 4 principles in the academic administration of primary schools. Under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1.Research model It is a mixed methods research. sample group There were 317 administrators and teachers who provided important information, 5 administrators, 5 teachers, a total of 10 people, using statistics to analyze the data by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and content analysis.
The results of the research found that 1) the use of the 4 principles of Sangahavatthu in the academic administration of primary schools Overall, it is at a high level. The aspect with the highest level of practice is learning management, followed by curriculum development. and measurement and evaluation, respectively and 2) Guidelines for using the 4 principles of Sangahavatthu in the academic administration of primary schools. Curriculum development Schools should create orders to appoint teachers to prepare the curriculum and encourage teachers to attend curriculum development training in terms of learning management, schools should make orders to appoint teachers according to majors and use polite language with students. Measurement and evaluation Schools should have effective and diverse evaluation measures. and educational supervision Schools should encourage the supervisory working group to follow up and advise teachers in a polite and friendly manner.
The findings from this research are mutual assistance or what is called the pattern of using the 4 Sangha Vatthu principles in academic administration. obtained from research synthesis With the goal of creating and developing a curriculum Administrators encourage teachers to develop themselves. Give importance to creating innovations or new things that administrators and teachers use to keep learning up-to-date. at diversity and educational institution administrators supervise and monitor teachers' learning management within their classrooms. It is a form of supervision to give encouragement. in a friendly manner.
Briefly summarized, the use of the 4 Sanghawatthu principles in the academic administration of primary schools as a whole is at the highest level. The learning management aspect is followed by the curriculum development aspect. and the school should have an appointment order Implementation of educational institution curriculum according to the abilities, qualifications, and experiences of teachers and educational personnel.
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