Design techniques, coordination, and communication of work in project activities

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Philailak Somsong


          Modern organization management requires management concepts and formats to manage complex activities. Project-based organization management will help organizations achieve their objectives more, especially projects that involve the use of various resources. Project activities must be manageable. Therefore, job design techniques are a process of determining the appropriate amount of work for a given job. Job design must be consistent with the characteristics of individuals or groups working in that position. The objectives of job design are to increase work efficiency, work safety, reduce work complexity, be consistent with changes in technology, create job satisfaction for workers, and not allow the amount of work to be too much or too little and to be consistent with the capabilities of the employees. For job design to be successful, there must be good coordination and effective communication within the organization so that the organization can implement the project or activity to achieve its highest goals.
          Knowledge Work design is the analysis of work systems to proceed with the implementation of activities under the organization's project. It is the next step after the work analysis. In searching for causes and relationships of work units aiming for success, there must be 2 supporting variables, consisting of internal communication variables, namely formal communication and informal communication, and coordination variables. The objectives are to reduce work conflicts, use administrative resources economically, and reduce work redundancy, which will affect the implementation of project activities to occur in 3 elements: results, performance, and effectiveness.
         In brief, job design is a problem analysis to prioritize groups of problems and determine job responsibilities in job positions. In order to achieve success in a department or organization, there must be good coordination, i.e., there must be a common understanding in cooperation to work in accordance with both time and activities to be performed to achieve the objectives. Therefore, it is a management process. In addition, there must be communication within the organization, a communication network. Communication within the organization is divided into 2 types: formal communication according to the chain of command and informal communication that does not follow the chain of command structure, which affects the efficiency of the organization's work, which may have both positive and negative effects on the organization.

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How to Cite
Somsong, P. . (2025). Design techniques, coordination, and communication of work in project activities. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 3(1), 1–14. retrieved from


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