Techniques for Creating Success in Work Through an Integrated Method that is Consistent with the Context Under the Circumstances that Occur while Working to Achieve Goals

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Thitathorn Pakpring


          Management: The organization's executives must seriously focus on improving and correcting management in order to create strength for the organization with the aim of gaining competitive advantage in the globalization era. For success in work, individuals must have the courage to change their work, dare to face failure, have clear goals, aim for success, be tolerant of criticism, have a positive attitude, have high leadership, and work with caution. Know the integrated management approach that focuses on results from the expertise and expertise of each department that is different in specific areas. It is a perfect connection of one or several things. The classification of work includes following the work content or role, which directly affects the organization, and work results according to the context of the work and helps the organization operate effectively. Work goals are the results of individuals resulting from work according to roles and duties. The results of work may be in the form of work results according to objectives or results related to the expression of thoughts and work behaviors. The work indicators include specific work behavior, communication skills, dedication to work, maintaining discipline, cooperation, and being a good supervisor. In addition, the use of motivation for personnel to increase work efficiency includes compensation and work motivation.
          Knowledge: Those who work successfully and achieve their goals must consist of 1) creativity and inventing new things 2) having a goal to be successful 3) the ability to motivate and inspire employees to love the organization 4) risk management 5) building trust in the institution and agency 6) having non-stop energy and not giving up, ready to keep fighting 7) believing and trusting in oneself 8) having effort and patience 9) being able to motivate people to work to their fullest potential and 10) having the potential to learn to develop oneself.
          In short, for personnel to work successfully and achieve their goals, they must integrate various things together, such as management resources, cooperation between departments, leadership, courage to take risks, have a positive attitude towards work, and accept the opinions of colleagues.


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How to Cite
Pakpring, T. . (2025). Techniques for Creating Success in Work Through an Integrated Method that is Consistent with the Context Under the Circumstances that Occur while Working to Achieve Goals. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 3(1), 15–29. retrieved from


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