Knowledge Management Techniques for Organizations

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Pairin Senalao


          Organizational design is a concept that combines knowledge in all activities of the organization and organizes them for relationships within the framework of a network of management that is thought to be effective and effectiveness In the study of organizational design, it is the study of the organization of activities and work relationships in a network. Findings: Organizing knowledge systematically to facilitate search. By gathering the knowledge that is within the individual such as thoughts, skills, and experiences or in the form of a document Save a message meeting minutes Operation manual It is a systematic way to bring knowledge from the clip. To make it convenient for everyone in the organization when they want to use it. exchange of knowledge By synthesizing the knowledge gained Classify or reorganize to bring into a new organization that can be used to develop and improve the organization and disseminate it to the public to create a learning society. Knowledge management is beneficial to human development. Develop quality work in an era of high competition. knowledge management It is also a tool for providing quality services to lead organizations that have the potential to perform even better in order to achieve organizational structure in the future. Organizational design is both a science and an art that will enable an organization to achieve organizational effectiveness. with a purpose It is the bringing together of organizational forms to make the organization's objectives successful. In organizational design, it creates a culture in the organization. Dimensions of organizational design Both the structural dimension and the context dimension are interrelated. For example, large organization Use routine technology (Routine technology) and have a certain environment. It will make the organization highly formal. There is division of labor and centralization of power. The designer must have knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles to manage the organization. Otherwise, the resulting structure may not be appropriate and lead to management problems in the later period. In bringing together the factors that are considered to be of primary importance that must be taken into account in organizational design.
          Knowledge, techniques and methods for designing knowledge management for organizations Starting with organizational design in terms of formalization. Specialized areas of expertise Line of command and professionalism It will affect knowledge management (KM), including knowledge identification. Creating and seeking knowledge Systematic knowledge management and the processing and filtering of knowledge.
          Brief summary of knowledge management To make it convenient for everyone in the organization when they want to use it. exchange of knowledge By synthesizing the knowledge gained Can be used to develop and improve the organization and disseminate it to the public to create a learning society. Knowledge management is beneficial to human development. Develop quality work in an era of high competition. knowledge management It is also a tool for providing quality services. To lead organizations that have the potential to perform even better in order to achieve organizational structure in the future.

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How to Cite
Senalao, P. . (2024). Knowledge Management Techniques for Organizations. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 2(6), 1–17. retrieved from


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