Creating a public relations process to build corporate image

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Suwanson Ramesuan


          Annual public relations standpoint organization and control system of business organization organization non-profit organization to create good efficiency for administrators system in persuading people or general public to use service effectively. Search for success in establishing new organization continuously according to the era of competition under firmware globalization. Logo to create public relations organization organization organization organization institution with related public groups to expect cooperation and collaboration from general public. Method of institution with continuous and continuous pattern in which to make or create good relationship with public group so that institution or public group have knowledge, understanding and organize hand in hand. Will be beneficial to institution and efficiency to be good in accordance with the purpose and goal of the institution or organization that is important in mind. When people do not have only experience. That we touch, taste, smell and can remember with our own eyes only. Proven indirectly other Because it must rely and respect for oneself too. Most beliefs of subjective representation (identity) or image of the image that appears (appearance) external appearance of external appearance. Public relations to create organization is management or organization management of players products services ... The overall picture is a reflection of efficiency and achievement in management and main stadium of the entire inspection system that shows social efficiency and continuous public benefit. It usually consists of employees, product staff or business service staff. The most important thing is office equipment.
          Knowledge, public relations for organizational image is a person's feeling towards various things. In particular, knowledge is knowledge that we create ourselves. It is subjective knowledge, consisting of facts and values ​​that we determine. Each person will accumulate subjective knowledge about various things around them that they have experienced and believe to be true. This subjective knowledge will form an image of various things that are in our perspective in our brains. The image of that person is created in terms of an individual. The person who experiences the event has already reached himself and will eventually develop into an image. And when a person receives an event from outside to himself, the event cannot immediately create an image.
          Brief summary: Public relations to create corporate image is the management or administration of that organization in addition to the products and services. Corporate image is an image that reflects the efficiency and achievements in the management and operations of the organization in terms of management systems, personnel, social responsibility and continuous public benefit. The components of the image include executives, employees, products or services, business operations, social activities, and office equipment.

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How to Cite
Ramesuan, S. . (2024). Creating a public relations process to build corporate image. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 2(5), 15–31. retrieved from


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