Techniques: Measuring analyzing and Improving Organizational Performance

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Jessada Siribodin


          Improving performance is a study that allows us to analyze problems in work that occur in the organization, whether it is duplicate work, wasting too much time and resources for certain work that has errors, and then studying and analyzing to find the correct and appropriate process to help improve the organization's performance.
         The findings, measurement, analysis, and improvement of organizational performance provide a better understanding of the process and its performance, as well as support business analysis and decision-making related to the organization’s special capabilities, formal collaboration, and decision-making to outsource the work. Therefore, the effective use of comparative data and information requires the organization to review its performance and capabilities. The analysis must be used to review and evaluate the organization’s success, including competitive performance and progress against the specified objectives, strategies, and practices. It is also used to evaluate the organization’s ability to respond quickly to changes in organizational needs and challenges in the environment in which it operates. Information analysis includes assessing performance trends, forecasting results at the organizational, industry, and technology levels, and comparing performance with peers, analyzing cause-and-effect relationships, and finding interactions to support performance reviews, identifying the causes of problems, and prioritizing resource use. Techniques for improving organizational performance include performance improvement techniques, questioning techniques, benchmarking techniques, and imitation techniques. Factors affecting the success of improving organizational performance include teamwork, good leadership or management, quality awareness, and the use of information systems.
          Knowledge, measurement of the overall analysis of the organization must be adjusted to be consistent with information for monitoring and evaluating the overall performance of the organization. The organization's leaders must have comparative information, including the situation necessary for decision-making. The organization's performance measurement system is responsive to changes both internal and external to the organization. The organization's leaders are responsible for reviewing the performance and capabilities of the organization and using key performance measures of the organization. Using comparative information to review these sources of information and conducting analysis to support the review and ensure that the conclusions for evaluating the organization's success, competitive performance, financial stability, and progress towards achieving the organization's strategic objectives and action plans.
          Briefly, measuring, analyzing, and improving organizational performance provides a better understanding of processes and their performance, and supports business analysis and decision-making related to organizational capabilities, formal partnerships, and outsourcing decisions. Techniques for improving organizational performance include performance improvement techniques, inquiry techniques, benchmarking techniques, and imitation techniques. Factors that influence the success of organizational performance improvement include teamwork, leadership, quality awareness, and the use of information systems.

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How to Cite
Siribodin, J. . (2024). Techniques: Measuring analyzing and Improving Organizational Performance. Journal of Organizational Management Excellence, 2(5), 1–14. retrieved from


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