Developing Problem-Solving Abilities and Academic Achievement with a Problem-Based Learning Model for Social Studies of Primary 5 Students at Ban Kho Thon Noi School
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The purpose of this research was to develop problem-solving abilities and academic achievement using a problem-based learning model for social studies subjects of primary 5 students at Ban Kho Thon Noi School. This research has a target group of 6 students in primary 5 of Ban Kho Thon Noi School, Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province, Semester 1, Academic Year 2018. The researcher has the following tools used in the research: 1) 7 problem-based learning plans, 2) teacher's diary form, 3) teacher's teaching behavior observation form, 4) student interview form, 5) evaluation form. ability to solve problems at the end of the cycle, 6) a test to measure problem-solving ability, and 7) a test to measure academic achievement. This research used an action research format consisting of 3 cycles. Quantitative data analysis was performed using statistics to analyze the data, such as mean values, percentages, and standard deviations, and qualitative data were analyzed from recordings. Observations of teachers' behavior obtained from research assistants including interviews with students and teacher diaries. The results of the research found that 1) 6 students had problem-solving ability passing the 60% criteria, accounting for 100%, which is higher than the specified criteria and 2) 4 students had academic achievement passing the 60% criteria. The number is 66.67%, which is higher than the specified criteria. The problem-based learning management model takes stories from nearby things and integrates them with various problems surrounding the students. Learners use knowledge to solve problems. Knowledge comes from their own research, which helps learners remember knowledge for a longer time, which results in higher academic achievement for the target group.
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