The Transforming Public Administration: The Role of AI in Shaping the Future


  • Passanan Phuangthuean Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University, Chon Buri, Thailand
  • Janewit Nuansang Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University, Chon Buri, Thailand


Artificial intelligence; Public administration; Public safety; Public services; Public trust


AI can significantly enhance public administration by improving efficiency, decision-making, and government-citizen interactions. Literature and case studies highlight that AI streamlines public service delivery, provides data-driven insights for better decisions, and fosters transparency and accountability. However, challenges such as employment displacement, privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and digital inequality must be addressed. To leverage AI's benefits while mitigating risks, public agencies should prioritize transparency, justice, and citizen rights, promote AI education, protect privacy, reduce the digital divide, and enhance public participation. Continuous research on AI's impact on public services, employment, ethics, and regulation is essential for efficient and democratic administration.


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