Unlocking the Drive: Key Motivational Factors Enhancing Work Performance in Wangwa Subdistrict Municipality, Si Prachan District, Suphan Buri Province
motivational factors, municipal employees, work performance efficiencyAbstract
This research article aims to: 1) Determine the level of work motivation and work performance efficiency of personnel in Wangwa Subdistrict Municipality, Si Prachan District, Suphan Buri Province, and 2) Identify the motivational factors affecting the work performance efficiency of personnel in Wangwa Subdistrict Municipality, Si Prachan District, Suphan Buri Province. This study is quantitative research. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics, including multiple regression analysis. The research findings revealed that the respondents' overall opinions on work motivation factors were at a high level, and overall work performance efficiency was also at a high level. The hypothesis test results showed that motivational factors, such as career advancement, affect the work performance efficiency of personnel in Wangwa Subdistrict Municipality, Si Prachan District, Suphan Buri Province, with the independent variables collectively predicting the dependent variable by 19%, as indicated by an Adjusted R Square value of 0.19.
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