Exploring the Drive to Depart: How Demographics Influence Turnover Intentions among Employees at Sanam Chai Sub-district Administrative Organization in Suphanburi
demographic factors, staff, turnover intentionsAbstract
This study focuses on 1) gathering and analyzing the basic profile of survey participants, 2) exploring the turnover intentions among staff members of the Sanam Chai Sub-district Administrative Organization in Mueang Suphanburi District, Suphanburi Province, and 3) examining how demographic variables influence turnover intentions. Employing a quantitative methodology, the research utilizes questionnaires to collect data. Analysis of the data is conducted using descriptive statistical methods, such as frequency, percentages, mean values (μ), and standard deviations (σ), alongside inferential statistical techniques including the t-Test and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results from the study reveal a generally high inclination towards resigning among the surveyed employees. Tests of the research hypotheses show that factors like gender, educational attainment, marital status, department affiliation, and monthly income do not statistically affect turnover intentions. On the other hand, educational level and marital status, are found to significantly influence turnover intentions with a statistical significance at the .05 level.
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