Enhancing Service Quality Assessment: A SERVQUAL Scale Validation in Thailand's Public Sector


  • Suporn Bundith -


Confirmatory factor analysis, public sector, SERVQUAL, service quality, Thailand


This research aims to examine the SERVQUAL scale, first proposed by Parasuraman et al. (1988), assessing its effectiveness and accuracy in gauging service quality within Thailand's public sector. The scale, known for its broad application across various sectors to measure service quality, is analyzed for its fit and precision in the context of Thai public services. The study engaged 060 government officers from Thailand's Northeastern region, who participated by completing a structured questionnaire. Utilizing second-order confirmatory factor analysis through Jamovi software, the research sought to verify the scale's validity. The findings showed that the sub-scales designed to assess the core service quality variable demonstrated robust reliability. The measurement models corresponding to the SERVQUAL scale's five key dimensions—reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles—were found to closely match the empirical data. The study concludes that the SERVQUAL scale is highly reliable and applicable for use in Thailand's public sector, indicating its potential for extended application beyond its initial commercial use.



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