The Role of Leadership Styles in Shaping Organizational Politics in Thai Public Organizations
autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, leadership styles, Organizational Politics, Thai Public OrganizationsAbstract
Despite the known impact of leadership styles on organizational politics, limited research has been conducted within Thai public organizations, creating an opportunity for further investigation. This paper aims to fill this research gap by exploring the effect of leadership styles, autocratic, democratic, transformational, and transactional on the scope and dynamics of organizational politics in these settings. Leveraging leadership theory and empirical research, the study provides a detailed analysis of how leadership styles influence political behaviors in Thailand's unique cultural and institutional landscape. Our findings underscore the pivotal role that leadership plays in managing organizational politics effectively. The paper concludes by suggesting directions for future research, emphasizing the need for empirical studies to unravel the varying impacts of different leadership styles on both visible and hidden political behaviors in Thai public organizations, thereby enriching our understanding of this complex relationship.
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