Interaction of Indonesian Muslims with the Qur'an at the Great Mosque of Baitul Makmur South Korea


  • Mahlulatul Mufidah Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta


Interaction, Indonesian Muslims, Al-Qur'an, Muslim Minorities


South Korean citizens are still very unfamiliar with the presence of Islam, but in the midst of this isolation, Muslim citizens try to stay close to the Qur'an and carry out worship as a Muslim. As done at the Baitul Makmur Grand Mosque, Daegu City. Therefore, the author focuses this research on how the purpose, form, and practice of their interaction with the Qur'an. What they have learned from the Qur'an has an impact on their activities in living life in a Muslim minority country. In addition, there are also obstacles experienced by Muslim citizens in carrying out religious life, such as the absence of worship facilities in the work and lecture environment, limited time, few religious leaders, and a culture of life that is not in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This research is field research. The data collection method carried out is by means of interviews, observations, and documentation. In this study, the author uses a qualitative approach. The object of this research is Muslim citizens who are worshippers at the Baitul Makmur Grand Mosque which is divided into 3 groups, namely those who continuing their education, working and also getting married.

The results of this study, the author found that the interactions carried out by Muslim citizens have a great impact on their daily lives. Forms of interaction such as reading and studying, both individually and communally, have an impact on Muslim citizens. Activities carried out include reading selected surahs, tadarus al-Qur'an, studying the Qur'an together which is carried out through routine activities of the mosque. The conclusion of the research conducted by the author includes: the purpose of Muslim citizens interacting with the Qur'an is to increase spiritual strength, as a guide, and an effort to study the Qur'an. The impact felt by Muslim citizens is the theological impact that regulates the relationship between humans and Allah, the psychological impact that feels calm, and the social impact by trying to show the good side of Islam to the people of South Korea.


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How to Cite

Mufidah, M. (2024). Interaction of Indonesian Muslims with the Qur’an at the Great Mosque of Baitul Makmur South Korea. Thailand Islamic Journal, 1(2), 79–89. Retrieved from



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