Using The 4 Principles of Iddhipada in Teaching Social Studies Using Creative Teaching Media in the New Normal Era with Primary School Students. of Mueang District Primary Educational Institutions Nakhon Nayok Province
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The importance of the problem: The Ministry of Education announced the adoption of the Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008 as the national core curriculum on July 11, 2008. It began to be used in model schools using the curriculum and schools that are ready in the academic year 2009.
This research has the objective The objectives are to 1) study the conditions of teaching and learning of social studies using creative teaching media in the NEW NORMAL era with primary school students. 2) compare the teaching and learning of social studies using creative teaching media in the NEW NORMAL era with students. primary school.
Research model This research, the researcher used a mixed method (Mixed Methodology Research) which is a combination of methods between qualitative research methods and quantitative research.
Research results according to objective number 1. Research results found that Organizing social studies classes By using creative teaching media in the NEW NORMAL era for primary school students. Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, overall the practice level is at a high level, including reflection, satisfaction, thinking, and diligence.
Research results according to objective number 2: comparative results of social studies teaching arrangements. By using creative teaching media in the NEW NORMAL era, classified by status. Work experience and educational qualification Overall, the levels of practice were not different. Classified by status and educational qualifications There is a significant difference in practice levels at the 0.05 level, classified by work experience. There is a significant difference in practice levels at the 0.05 level.
The findings from this research are that it results in effective E-learning teaching and learning.
Brief summary of social studies teaching arrangements By using creative teaching media in the NEW NORMAL era, overall the level of practice was at a high level, namely reflection, satisfaction, and perseverance, respectively. Results of comparison of social studies teaching arrangements. By using creative teaching media in the NEW NORMAL era, classified by status. Work experience and education. Overall, the level of practice is not different.
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