Using Study Skills Exercises to Develop Academic Achievement in Geography. Social Studies, Religion and Culture Learning Group for Grade 3 Students at Satri Suksa School Maha Sarakham Province
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The importance of basic education problems must be consistent with economic changes. Society, culture, environment, and scientific and technological knowledge are rapidly advancing. To develop and strengthen the potential of the nation's people to be able to increase the country's competitiveness. The objectives of this research are 1) to develop geography study skills training exercises; In the learning subject group Social Studies, Religion and Culture of Grade 3 students with performance according to the criteria 80/ 80 2) to compare academic achievement Before and after class with geography study skills exercises of 3rd grade students at Satri Suksa School Maha Sarakham Province and 3) to assess student competency in organizing learning on the subject of understanding geography. For 3rd grade students at Satri Suksa School Maha Sarakham Province research model Research study on Development of academic achievement in the geography subject Social Studies, Religion and Culture subject group using study skills exercises of 3rd grade students at Satri Suksa School Maha Sarakham Province The researcher used this research protocol. in the form of experimental research
Research results according to objective number 1: Development of geography learning skills training. From taking a test before studying Pupils' performance is at a moderate level. and when taking the test after studying Efficiency is higher than the specified criteria, which is 80/80.
Research results according to objective number 2: Comparison of academic achievement before and after using the skills training kit. When comparing scores before and after studying It shows that students' test scores after studying are higher than before studying, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
Research results according to objective number 3, evaluating student competency in all 5 areas, found that students' overall competency was at an excellent level (52.41) separated into each area. Use of life skills (58.62%), communication (51.72%), thinking (55.17%), use of technology (48.28%) Problem solving (48.28%)
The findings from this research are the use of study skills exercises to develop academic achievement in geography. Social Studies, Religion, and Culture learning group for Grade 3 students results in competencies in all 5 areas, including communication The use of thinking Problem solving Skill use and the use of technology
Brief summary: Development of geography study skills training. From taking a test before studying Pupils' performance is at a moderate level. Effective at a level higher than the specified criteria of 80/80. Results of comparing academic achievement before and after using the skill training set. When comparing scores before and after studying It shows that students' post-test scores are higher than before, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Evaluation of student competency in all 5 areas reveals that students' overall performance is at an excellent level (52.41).
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