Teaching And Learning Management in the New Normal Era With Social Studies at the Primary School Level

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Phuwanai Phummichai


           Basic education aims to develop students to have a quality of life ready to make contributions to society according to their own roles and responsibilities as good citizens under democratic governance with the King as Head of State. By providing students with basic knowledge and skills for living. Therefore, the duty of the teacher in organizing learning to create concepts in all 5 steps is based on the method of creating inductive conclusions. Therefore, the teacher must provide a variety of information to the students. and coaches students to think for themselves in each step You must also have patience and wait for answers from students. and provide feedback on every answer. to encourage students to use their thinking processes That leads to the emergence of accurate and precise concepts. Concepts are an important foundation for thinking and creating ideas (Idea) that will lead to the creation of innovations into reality. Teachers should organize learning so that students develop accurate and precise concepts. So that students can connect various concepts using a 5-step learning process: 1) observe/perceive, 2) classify differences, 3) find common characteristics, 4) identify concepts, and 5 ) Test and apply that teachers need to study from several information to help strengthen their own learning management and learning of students Learning management at any level It depends on the following three elements: 1) the learner, 2) the psychological atmosphere conducive to learning, 3) the interaction between the learner. Psychological atmosphere in the classroom. Learners. The nature of the learners is something that teachers must consider first. About brain abilities, aptitudes, interests, physical development emotional and mental Basic needs, also known as Learner potential
           Knowledge of teaching and learning in the NEW NORMAL era with social studies at the primary school level Effectively in that unusual situation It must rely on 8 important principles as follows: 1. The content of the information that appears in the e-learning system. 2. The operation of the e-learning system. It is a real time system where learners can access the lessons. 3. Aspects of the capabilities of the e-learning system In controlling the presentation of content and organizing teaching activities. 4. The self-learning process in e-learning is related to the experience of the learners. 5. The ability of e-learning. In managing information from various sources intelligently. 6. The ability to create tasks or missions of e-Learning. 7. The effectiveness of e-learning in making students interact with the lesson, and 8. The speed of e-learning in creating knowledge for the group of learners. students as desired
           Briefly summarized, the learning management process in the NEW NORMAL era consists of 5 steps: 1) observe/perceive, 2) classify differences, 3) find common characteristics, 4) identify concepts, and 5) test and apply. that teachers need to study from several information

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How to Cite
Phummichai, P. . (2024). Teaching And Learning Management in the New Normal Era With Social Studies at the Primary School Level. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 1(6), 1–18. retrieved from https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/J_SSD/article/view/582


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