Satisfaction with the services of Maha Sarakham Municipality

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Kanokporn Kongudom


          Maha Sarakham Municipality is a local regulatory agency that provides public services to the people in the municipality. Providing public services is the heart of Maha Sarakham Municipality. That citizens can continue to perform their duties in providing services to Maha Sarakham Municipality There is a trend of efficiency in punishment of Maha Sarakham Municipality. and build confidence in the components of Maha Sarakham Municipality The purpose of this research is to study satisfaction with the services provided by Maha Sarakham Municipality. The sample group used in the study was the population in the Maha Sarakham Municipality area, numbering 201 people. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative data used content analysis and presented descriptively. The research results found that 1. Overall satisfaction with the services of the Maha Sarakham Municipality has an average level of 4.06, with strange consistency and positive comments from survey participants at the "very" level, reflecting satisfaction that High in terms of services provided by Maha Sarakham Municipality (1) in terms of service processes/steps Very satisfied, especially in the process and steps of providing services. with an average level of 4.07 (2) Staff/service personnel Survey participants were very satisfied with the staff and service personnel. with an average level of 4.10 (3) in terms of facilities They are very satisfied with the facilities provided by the Maha Sarakham Municipality. with an average level of 4.05 (4) Satisfaction with the results of the service Satisfaction with the results of the service remains at a high level. with an average level of 4.01
          The results of the study of suggestions regarding the service provision of Maha Sarakham Municipality agencies are very important in developing and improving the quality of services as follows: (1) Dealing with problems arising from "Flooding and water not draining in time" If there is a problem with flooding and water draining in the area. You should cooperate with relevant agencies to find the root cause and solve this problem as soon as possible. To reduce dissatisfaction and damage (2) Public relations media and organizing meetings Communication is important to connect with citizens and provide information about the project. Organization of meetings and work of the agency Appropriate communication channels such as social media and public relations should be used to be clear.

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How to Cite
Kongudom, K. . (2024). Satisfaction with the services of Maha Sarakham Municipality. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 1(2), 1–14. retrieved from


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