Organizing Teaching and Learning According to the Curriculum of Social Studies, Religion and Culture

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Sisada Srimaree


           Background of the Basic Education Core Curriculum Aiming at developing every student which is the strength of the nation to be a human being who is balanced in terms of body, knowledge, morality, and awareness of being a Thai citizen and a citizen of the world.
           Organizing learning to enhance concepts has 5 steps, consisting of 1) Observe / Perceive, which involves organizing learning activities that allow students to observe and perceive a variety of information. 2) Classify differences. It is a learning activity that the students determine. 3) Step to find common characteristics. It is a learning activity that allows students to synthesize. 4) Stage of identifying concepts. It is a learning activity for students to summarize their ideas. Collected manually and 5) Test and use steps. It is a learning activity that allows students to use their ideas. Collect the results from step 4 to practice or use. To enable students to generalize the concepts learned widely. important part Social studies, religion and culture learning group on living together in society that are connected, consisting of 1) religion, morality, ethics, basic concepts about religion, morality, ethics, principles of Buddhism or the religion one respects 2) civic duties, culture, and living in society Political and administrative system, democratic system with the King as Head of State. 3) Economics, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Management of limited resources 4) History Historical times and eras historical method The development of humanity from the past to the present and 5) geography, physical characteristics of the world. Resources and the climate of Thailand and different regions of the world, using maps and geographic tools The interrelationship of things in natural systems. Human relations with the natural environment and things created by humans Presentation of geospatial data Environmental conservation for sustainable development
           Knowledge management consists of 5 steps: 1) observation/perception step, 2) differentiation step, 3) finding common characteristics step, 4) concept identification step, and 5) testing and applying the main points. Use with social studies, religion, and culture learning groups. Be responsible and have appropriate knowledge, skills, morals, and values. The various subjects were defined as 1) religion, 2) civic duties, 3) economics, 4) history, and 5) geography.
           In summary, organizing learning to enhance concepts has 5 steps, consisting of 1) observing/perceiving, 2) classifying differences, 3) finding common characteristics, 4) identifying concepts, and 5) steps. Test and apply It is a learning activity that allows students to use their ideas. Collect the results from step 4 to practice or use. To enable students to generalize the concepts learned widely. important part Social studies, religion and culture learning group on living together in society that are interconnected, consisting of 1) religion, morality, ethics, 2) civic duty, 3) economics, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, 4) history, and 5) geography, physical characteristics of the world. Resources and the climate of Thailand

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How to Cite
Srimaree, S. . (2024). Organizing Teaching and Learning According to the Curriculum of Social Studies, Religion and Culture. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 1(5), 17–32. retrieved from


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