Educational Excellence of Administrators of Basic Educational Institutions

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Panunee Deemangkhorn


           The successful implementation of management towards excellence requires the development of many dimensions simultaneously. this must be done throughout the system. it is not just the management of some parts of the school. or arranged as a management plan for excellence in reality, it was found that each school there are differences in context, potential, school size, and excellence is related to the word quality. it's an excellent condition. it is outstanding. worthy of praise satisfied and able to be a good role model for others.              excellence in educational administration is considered an indicator of the success or excellence of an educational institution. this can be explained with theoretical concepts and related research documents. excellence in educational organizations involves academic excellence. by academics, it means teaching and learning that is considered the heart of education. excellence includes excellence in learning (excellence in learning), excellence in teaching (excellence in teaching) and excellence in leadership (excellence in leader). as for excellent management practices education consists of the academic standards of the school. participation of the school board there are people responsible for learning and teaching. the state has a clear educational policy. executives have creative ideas. and society accepts school education
           The knowledge and excellence of educational institution administrators includes educational institution leadership. strategic planning ability give equal importance to educational personnel. work to the best of your ability focus on the learner measure and evaluate work to achieve results according to educational standards goals this will affect the excellence of the educational institution in all 3 areas: learning, teaching and learning. and leadership in academics
           In short, excellence is related to the word quality. excellence in educational administration is considered an indicator of success for the excellence of an educational institution. which can be explained by theoretical concepts. excellence in educational organizations involves academic excellence. teaching and learning is the heart of education. excellence includes excellence in learning (excellence in learning), excellence in teaching (excellence in teaching) and excellence in leadership (excellence in leader). as for excellence in educational administration consisting of the school's academic standards participation of the school board someone is responsible for teaching and learning.

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How to Cite
Deemangkhorn, P. . (2024). Educational Excellence of Administrators of Basic Educational Institutions. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 1(5), 1–16. retrieved from


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