Integrating Learning About Civic Duties According to the Democratic Method Using the 4 Principles of Influence of High School Students Chatturat Wittayakarn School Chaiyaphum Province

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Koonlapha Phansana


           The importance of academic problems in achieving good success and improved academic performance. of secondary school students You must use the 4 principles of Dhamma, Iddhipada, as a base or path to success or a tool for success. You have achieved your goal. Morality that leads to the success of the intended results
           The objectives of this research are 1) to study the learning management of the subject of civic duties. according to the integrated democratic method using the 4 principles of Iddhipatha of junior high school students and 2) to compare learning arrangements for the subject of civic duties. According to the integrated democratic method using the 4 Iddipada principles of junior high school students, classified by gender, age, and level of education.
           The research format of this research is quantitative research and qualitative research is a mixed methods research. The sample group studied is Students at Chatturat Wittayakarn School, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province, academic year 2021. The researcher selected from 174 students in Mathayom 1 - 3 and the target group 17 people. Statistics used in the research include frequency values, percentage values, mean values, and deviation values. Bend standard (One – way ANOVA
          Research results according to objective number 1: Organizing learning in the subject of civic duties. According to the integrated democratic method using the 4 principles of Iddhipada of secondary school students at Chatturat Wittayakarn School, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province. Overall, there is a high level of satisfaction. When considering each aspect, it was found that All aspects were at a high level of satisfaction.
           Research results according to objective number 2: Comparison of learning management levels in the civic duties subject. according to the integrated democratic method by Using the 4 Iddhipada principles of secondary school students at Chatturat Wittayakarn School, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province, classified by gender, age, and educational level. There were no differences in satisfaction levels.
           The findings from this research are the integration of democratic civics learning among secondary school students. It arises from the principles of civic duty according to democratic methods. Applied with the 4 principles of Iddhipāda, namely chanda, viriya, citta, and vimansa, the results include the transfer of knowledge. knowledge creation and knowledge development
           Brief summary of learning management for the subject of civic duties According to the integrated democratic method using the 4 principles of Iddhipada, overall there is a high level of satisfaction. All aspects were at a high level of satisfaction. Comparison of learning management levels in the civic duties subject. according to the integrated democratic method by Using the 4 principles of Iddhipatha was not significantly different.

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How to Cite
Phansana, K. . (2024). Integrating Learning About Civic Duties According to the Democratic Method Using the 4 Principles of Influence of High School Students Chatturat Wittayakarn School Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 1(4), 17–33. retrieved from


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