Characteristics of Professional Administrators in Basic Education Institutions
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The characteristics of professional administrators in management are the expression of educational institution administrators. that has a plan that determines actions and methods to achieve goals, manages work priorities, and has a way to persuade subordinates to work willingly This article aims to present the characteristics of professional administrators in basic educational institutions. Main elements of being a professional school administrator The author therefore synthesized the content from the ideas of educators and found that there were 4 main components: 1) professional knowledge and understanding, 2) professional competency, 3) ethics and professional responsibility. All 3 items had frequency values. 8 equal and 4) personality frequency value 6 which are these 4 main components Confident that the mission is covered or the duties of being an administrator of an educational institution
Knowledge: knowledge and understanding of the profession Educational institution administrators must have good relations with everyone. Whether it is teachers and educational personnel student parents Related agencies have a vision to create inspiration. Professional aspect Have knowledge and new management techniques That requires skills and expertise in all aspects of management. Ethics and Responsibility Must have self-discipline to be a good example for teachers and educational personnel. and personality Have a good personality Emotionally mature Able to control your own emotions
Summary: Professional administrators in basic education institutions It was found to consist of 4 main components: professional knowledge and understanding; Professional aspect Ethics and Responsibility and personality
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