Strategic Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators
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Leadership is very important to the operation of an organization. Helps executives to see the overall picture and scope in a broader and clearer manner. Because strategic operations are deep in analyzing problems at a level that is important to the future of the organization. in this article, the author intends to investigate the strategic leadership of educational administrators.
Leadership is a process of exercising influence. Leaders will try to influence followers to have the desired performance behavior with the goals of the organization as the goal. It is not a matter of individuals being able to have leadership. Without having any process to do it is a process. to influence others Be a person who is trusted by others. both inside and outside the organization and is the one who sets the direction of the organization and coordinates the cooperation of people in the organization In order for the organization to run efficiently, those who are appointed to hold leadership positions at various levels, both official and informally, is an influential person and is accepted by group members and use their own abilities by various methods to influence others to follow willingly Basic educational institution administrators In addition to having leadership Still need strategic leadership There is a decision-making pattern with clear reasons. and combine many things into one Leadership is a process of exercising influence. leaders will try to influence followers to have the desired performance behavior with the goals of the organization as the goal. It is not a matter of individuals being able to have leadership. Without having any process to do it is a process. to influence others Be a person who is trusted by others. both inside and outside the organization and is the one who sets the direction of the organization and coordinates the cooperation of people in the organization In order for the organization to run efficiently, those who are appointed to hold leadership positions at various levels, both official and informally, is an influential person and is accepted by group members and use their own abilities by various methods to influence others to follow willingly Basic educational institution administrators In addition to having leadership Still need strategic leadership There is a decision-making pattern with clear reasons. and combine many things into one which is like an important operational plan in order to lead to attainment Long-term objectives: creating or developing practical methods and mobilizing and allocate organizational resources and setting objectives work process The needs of the organization and the selection of the system that will be developed and used as the master plan or main plan for the development of the organization's systems. and strategies related to various issues elements of Strategy Consisting of vision (Vision), mission, objectives, and tactics, the importance of appropriate strategies in achieving the organization's long-term objectives in line with the environment it faces is therefore necessary. Must rely on strategic planning that is different from general planning because the word strategy must be related to the analysis of the environment. outside, which is related to changes in the social, economic, and political environment that are both opportunities and obstacles or dangers and the internal environment that is both a strength and a weakness which is related to the ability of the organization and is a management process that helps executives achieve Understand the change and have a vision for the future This makes it possible to set concrete objectives and directions for the operations of basic educational institutions.
Knowledge To be a strategic leader in educational administration Must consist of Strategic concepts and leadership concepts which is an important component That is, school administrators must understand the principles of strategy, including vision, mission, objectives, tactics, combined with the concept of leadership, including leaders who use authority. Operational support Participation and focusing on the success of the work.
Brief summary: Strategic leadership of educational institution administrators is possible. Must include strategic ideas together with leadership characteristics as follows: 1. Vision is a vision of the future of educational institution administrators. 2. Mission is a statement of educational objectives. 3. Objectives are a clear aim. of educational institutions 4. Tactics are the art of using power by educational institution administrators. 5. Using power, what do educational institution administrators expect from operators? 6. Supporting operations. is the educational institution administrator who supports educational personnel with friendly leadership behavior. 7. Participation is the educational institution administrator who allows educational personnel to participate in consulting with each other, and 8. Focus on the success of the work: educational institution administrators focus on the success of the work. The work goals and expectations for educational personnel are set high.
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