Relationship of Factors Affecting the Exercise of Rights to Elect Members of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council of People in San Sai District. Chiang Mai Province
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Elections are therefore extremely important because they are an expression of political rights and freedom. The idea of the people wanting their own representatives to have policies in administration. Selection is therefore the mechanism. Exercise your sovereignty by exercising your right to elect representatives whose policies match your own needs. The objectives of the research are 1) to study the level of factors affecting people's exercise of their rights to elect Provincial Administrative Organization Council members and 2) to study the relationship between the primary variables and their exercise of their rights to elect Provincial Administrative Organization Council members. province of the people
research model This research is a combined method with a sample size of 397 people and 10 key informants using questionnaires and interviews to collect research data. Statistics used in the research include percentages, averages, standard deviations. and the Pearson correlation coefficient.
Research results according to objective number 1: The level of factors affecting people's voting rights to elect members of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council as a whole is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect of behaving according to the 4 principles of Iddhipada was at a high level, followed by the aspect of campaigning for votes. at a high level and in terms of election policy is at a moderate level, respectively
Research results according to objective number 2, results of analysis of the relationship between Personal media Campaign side Election policy Conducting oneself according to the 4 principles of Iddhipada is related to people's exercising their rights to elect members of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
The findings from this research are: exercise of voting rights Depends on individual media perception Campaign side Election policy Conducting oneself according to the 4 principles of Iddhipatha is related to exercising the right to vote. Therefore, 1) people should be encouraged to be mindful in listening to news. Understand the strategies of the media so as not to become a tool for creating political benefits. 2) There should be a policy to promote the provision of democratic knowledge to the people. Especially the rights of people according to democracy and campaigning for people to exercise their rights in elections and 3) should invite villagers to exercise their rights in elections. To recruit personnel who will be able to serve the public.
Briefly summarized, the factors affecting the exercise of rights to elect members of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council are overall at a high level. As for the analysis of the relationship between Personal media Campaign side Election policy Conducting oneself according to the 4 principles of Iddhipada is related to people's exercising their rights to elect members of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
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