Conditions of Participatory Academic Administration in Educational Institutions According to the Merit-Making Principles of 3, Under the Special Education Administration Office of Chainat Province
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Educational administration is also important. This is because education helps to develop people in the nation intellectually, emotionally, and socially so that they can live happily with others. In planning education, it is necessary to consider the work and role of education to cover all aspects. The objectives of the research are 1) to study the conditions of participatory academic administration of educational institutions according to the principles of Boonkiriyavatthu 3 under the Office of Special Education Administration 2) to propose guidelines for participatory academic administration of educational institutions according to Lakbunkiriwathu 3, under the Office of Special Education Administration
Research model It is a mixed methods research. During quantitative research Using survey research methods.
The research results according to objective number 1 found that the condition of participatory academic administration of educational institutions according to the Boonkiriyavatthu Principle 3 under the Office of Special Education Administration, overall, has an average level of practice at a high level. and when classified into each aspect The aspect with the highest average was teaching and learning management, followed by supervision within the educational institution. There is a high level of practice. As for the development of educational institution curriculum and educational measurement and evaluation There is a high level of practice. has the lowest average
The results of the research according to objective number 2 found that the guidelines for participatory academic administration of educational institutions according to the Boonkiriyavatthu Principle 3 under the Office of Special Education Administration, administrators, teachers, and personnel Relying on the 3 merit principles, consisting of 1) Thanamai, which is giving alms to administrators, teachers, and personnel. There should be opportunities for others to participate in the work. congratulate Accept and approve of each other's work. 2) Silamai means maintaining the precepts of administrators, teachers, and personnel. There should be help. To develop the work to be successful and 3) Bhavanamai is training the minds of administrators, teachers and personnel. There should be training and development. There is information that is useful for work. giving advice Provide knowledge to coworkers To achieve the objectives of the work
The findings from this research are that participatory academic administration involves participation in various academic administrations by giving alms, sacrificing, being generous, sharing, giving alms with a good heart. Academic administration with participatory morality is participation in academic administration by behaving honestly and maintaining moral precepts. Participatory academic administration on morality is participation in academic administration. By training to develop the mind, develop intelligence, listening, reading, receiving news and information that is good and beneficial to work.
Briefly summarized, participatory academic administration according to the principles of Boonkiriyavatthu 3, overall, has an average level of practice at a high level. The aspect with the highest average is the teaching and learning aspect. and educational measurement and evaluation There is a high level of practice. has the lowest average As for the participatory academic management approach based on the 3 merit-making principles of the educational institution, it must rely on the 3 merit-making principles, consisting of dānmai, which is expressing congratulations. Accept and approve of each other's work. Silamai means maintaining the precepts of administrators, teachers, and personnel. There should be training to develop the ability to receive information that is beneficial to work.
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