Applying the 4 Principles of Sanghawatthu for Academic Administration of Basic Education Institutions
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This academic article Academic administration is an important mission of school administration according to the National Education Act of 1999, amended edition (No. 4) of 2019. It is considered an important mission of educational administration. School administrators, teachers and all stakeholders
The results of the study found that the scope of academic administration It is an operation of educational institution curriculum development work. Learning process development work Measurement, evaluation and transfer work, media development, innovation and educational technology Development of internal quality assurance system Educational research work Educational supervision work Library work and other work related to academics There are several principles that can be used in academic administration in primary schools. The author summarized the concept into 4 areas, including the development of school curriculum. In terms of teaching and learning management in educational institutions Development and use of educational technology media and in the area of measurement, evaluation and transfer of learning results, Sangha Vatthu 4 is a moral principle that binds people's minds. Bind people's hearts and unite people into unity. It is a principle for people to be loved. It is liked by the general public. It is a principle of helping others. Makes the working atmosphere good Make society happy If educational institution administrators should integrate it in academic administration and other work in the educational institution, it will make the set goals successful. Educational personnel such as teachers, students, and administrators Live happily together
Knowledge in curriculum development Educational institutions improve and develop the local curriculum and then apply the curriculum according to the aptitudes and needs of the students. Learning management Educational institutions encourage teachers to use media and innovation in learning management to meet the needs of students. Measurement and evaluation Educational institutions encourage teachers to use a variety of measurement and evaluation methods. Modern technology is used. There are a variety of assessment test formats. Educational supervision Educational institutions encourage the exchange of knowledge with teachers in classroom supervision in order to improve and develop.
Brief summary of the application of the 4 principles of Sangahavatthu for academic administration of basic education institutions. It is an important work of basic educational institution administration consisting of 4 aspects: development of educational institution curriculum; In terms of teaching and learning management in educational institutions Development and use of educational technology media and in the area of measurement, evaluation and transfer of academic results. As for Sangha Vatthu 4, it is the Dhamma principle that binds people's minds and unites people. It is a principle of helping others. Makes the working atmosphere good Make society happy Educational institution administrators should apply this in academic administration to achieve educational standard indicators.
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