Skills Training and Academic Achievement in the Social Studies Subject

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Netaya Yingyod


           This academic article It is seen that if teachers organize learning activities or media that can create experiences Creating new situations for students to have the ability to summarize events logically will help the learning of the students, affecting the thinking skills of the students, being able to analyze, connect and find answers step by step based on knowledge and Correct application The author of the article is therefore interested in presenting the development of analytical thinking skills training in the social studies subject to be used as a guideline for improving the quality of teaching in the social studies subject at all grade levels.
           The results of the study found that the social studies subject covers all social science subjects. Contains content that is a concept and principles from which can be used for learning. together with the movement of social change It has an impact on the subject of social studies, especially in the area of increased content knowledge and more spacious The content of factual knowledge is constantly changing. Therefore, both teachers and students will learn to select information and knowledge that can be related to their lives. In order to manage the teaching of social studies to achieve the learning objectives, The alternative is to use A set of skill exercises created by teachers for students to review previously learned content to build understanding. and helps increase skills and expertise and train the thinking process more This allows the teacher to know the students' understanding of the lesson. Train students to have confidence and be able to evaluate their own results, resulting in academic achievement. both in terms of characteristics, including knowledge and abilities of individuals as a result of teaching or a compilation of all experiences that a person receives from teaching and learning Causing people to change their behavior and mental performance Its purpose is to check the level of a person's brain ability. What did you learn after studying? And how much ability do you have? as well as the results that arise from teaching and practicing or various experiences at school at home and the environment that learners experience Including feelings, values, and various ethics are the result of continuous practice.
           Knowledge using systems theory Used to explain the skills training model for the Social Studies subject, including the input factors, which are the teaching and learning arrangements for the Social Studies subject. Input factors here include teachers, students, and social studies subjects. By bringing it into the process (Process), that is, teachers teach using social studies subject skill training until it becomes an output (Output), which is learning achievement in the social studies subject. and the feedback is problems, obstacles, or suggestions regarding improving the skills training in the social studies subject. Including satisfaction with teaching and learning arrangements of teachers and students.
           In short, good skill practice helps students to be successful in practicing their skills very well. Makes teachers reduce their teaching load Learners can develop themselves and increase their confidence in learning. Moreover, the exercises will help with individual differences. This results in achievement in the teaching and learning of social studies subjects. Achieve the goals of the students' learning objectives.

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How to Cite
Yingyod, N. . (2024). Skills Training and Academic Achievement in the Social Studies Subject. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 2(1), 1–13. retrieved from


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