Strategic plan and sustainable organizational development
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Strategy is a plan to use resources that are superior to competitors. Change your weaknesses into strengths. Create crises as opportunities for the organization to achieve its goals. It is a decision-making process to determine the future direction of the organization. It determines the future conditions in which the goals must be achieved and determines the guidelines for achieving the specified conditions based on comprehensive and systematic information. Strategic plans can also guide organizational adjustments. Mechanisms for pushing forward the development process to keep up with changes and create continuous development. This allows the organization to survive and compete. and is a leading organization of situations or trends that can change And if the organization is in a state of decline, the plan will help alleviate the damage and point out appropriate solutions to a new, better direction. Factors that make an organization sustainable include continuous long-term stability. Therefore, an organization that has a goal of developing a sustainable organization (Sustainable Organization) must have a forward-looking vision. Whatever you do, don't just expect short-term results. But it lays the foundation for the organization to grow in the long term. Good long-term growth requires a strong foundation. There is a forward-looking plan. As well as people in the organization cooperate in driving the organization in an excellent direction. Including society also encourages and supports the organization to grow and move forward continuously.
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