Behavior of Thai Teenagers Today : the Case of Students in Maha Sarakham Province
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Situation of problems of children and youth in Thai society today has intensified in almost every aspect Whether it be in the aspect of having deviant attitudes and behaviors Distance from religion and values of lavish consumerism. Quarrels, drug addiction, pornography addiction, gaming addiction, etc. The purpose of this research is to study the current behavior of Thai teenagers. In the case of students in Maha Sarakham Province The sample group consisted of 234 students studying at Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University. The research tool was a questionnaire. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. As for the qualitative data, content analysis was used and presented descriptively. The research results found that Behavior of Thai teenagers today: the case of students in Maha Sarakham Province Overall, it is at the middle level ( =3.18) when considering income. It was found that the aspect with the highest mean value was attitude towards teenagers' free time ( =3.32). Let's try it down to attitude towards current spending ( = 3.27). Let's try it down to attitude towards business. Take care of your health Beauty and body (Mean=3.26) Try to come down to attitude towards extra income earning behavior ( = 3.26) Try to come down to attitude towards making friends in various ways ( =3.19) Try to come down. is the attitude towards daily life ( =3.19)
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